Introducing Farming on MutantSwap πŸ‘©β€πŸŒΎ

2 min readMay 8, 2022

TLDR: happy farming πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎ

After the launch on Aurora mainnet yesterday, our team has been working non stop around the clock to launch Farming feature on MutantSwap.

Featuring Pools and allocation

  • MCOIN-WNEAR (27%)
  • MCOIN-WETH (23%)
  • MCOIN-USDT (23%)
  • MCOIN-USDC (23%)
  • USDT-USDT (4%)

Farming Details

Farm page will be live shortly on our website . As mentioned in our tokenomics, 66% of total supply will be used for farming & liquidity incentives.

We have deposited a small amount in each pool to be able to calculate the initial APR. We will withdraw all LP from the farm pools so that our community will get 100% of the farming incentives.

The APR depends on total deposit, $MCOIN price and various other factors. We offer very attractive APR% to attract initial liquidity to our platform. You can expect the APR to decrease as more people deposit in the farm. The APR will be auto updated hourly by script job.

When does it start?

Farming incentive starts from block 65209147, roughly around 3am UTC May 9th. You can prepare for farming by add liquidity to the 5 pools then deposit your LP tokens into the each farm before the start block time. It will auto reward MCOIN after the block time.

About MutantSwap

Mutant Swap is an advanced DEX on the cutting edge of both the DeFi and NFT worlds. Our mission is to push the technology boundary of DeFi and NFT enabling web3 citizen to create digital assets without technical constraints and utilize the liquidity of their digital assets to its maximum capacity.

We have also received a Dev Grant from Aurora.

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Innovation in DeFi and NFT through our portfolio of web3 protocols β€” MutantSwap β€” MutantPunksNFT